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Meet the Pastors and Leadership Team

Bishop Gershon & Pastor Sandra Suan

Founders & Senior Pastors   

Bishop Gershon G. Suan is the Senior Pastor and founder of The Coat of Many Colors Ministries in Houston, Texas. He holds a Doctorate degree in Theology, a P.H.D. in Sacred Literature and is a licensed Counselor in Formation Therapy. He's also the founder of Next Level Institute, a Bible School that offers Associates and a Bachelor's degree in Biblical Counseling and/or Theology. By the Grace of God he was ordained and consecrated as a Bishop in the Independent Christian Churches International. He serves on the Committee Board for the San Jacinto Section, Assemblies of God who gives oversight to AG churches on the east side of Houston, South Texas District. Dr. Suan is proud to be married to Sandra Suan since April 19th, 1986. Loretta Sandra Suan is the Co-Founder of the Coat of Many Colors Ministries. She is a licensed counselor in Formation Therapy and is a licensed Minister-Clergy as well. Dr. Gershon and Loretta Suan have three beautiful girls, Jillian, Julia, and Jade.

Elder Johnnie & Minister Marlen Valdez

Church Elder

 Elder Johnnie Assists Bishop in all areas of the church as needed.


He attended MTI College of Business and Technology and received his Associate’s Degree in Business.


They both graduated from Next Level Institute and are Ordained Ministers and received their Bachelor’s Degree in Theology.


They both grew up in Houston, Texas and were High School sweethearts. After dating each other for 6.5 years they married and are going 21 years strong and counting.  They have 4 children, Ariana Valdez - 19, Abigail Valdez - 14, Aubriana Valdez - 9 and Joshua Jeremiah Valdez - 3.


Elder Johnnie enjoys playing golf, drawing, reading, taking old out dated houses and remodeling and making them beautiful.


Their mission is to support the vision of the church and to help Bishop Suan in the over sight of the church.

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Pastor Sonia & Derrick Washington 

Associate Pastors

Sonia E. Washington is the Associate Pastor for the Coat of Many Colors Ministries in Houston, TX. She is a sought after Christian speaker, fluent in both Spanish and English. She is married to Minister Derrick Washington. They have been married since April 5th, 2014. They are the proud parents of their blended family of children Jacob, Kaitlyn, Chasity and Chloe. Sonia has a Bachelors Degree in Biblical Theology and has been an instructor at the Next Level Biblical Institute. She is certified in counseling as a Formation Therapist. Sonia has travelled the world to Canada, Mexico, South America, and Puerto Rico to proclaim God’s good news through her preaching and deliverance ministries. She is also a seasoned English and Spanish translator throughout the United States. Sonia started her pastoral calling in youth ministries at age 15. She was called by the Lord to be a Youth Pastor at that time. Her passion is to set people free from limitations, bondages and addictions that have held them captive and lead them to God's glory. Her foundational scripture is “Isaiah 61:1 - The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound."



Pastors Eddie & Antanette Lee

Pastoral Staff

Our names are Pastors Eddie and Antanette Lee. We have had a relationship with the Lord since 2001. Our life goal is to please the Lord with all that we are. Living, Loving, and giving Life through God’s word. My family and I have been feeding the homeless with God’s help since 2013. We attend the Coat of Many Colors Ministries under the leadership of Bishop and Lady Suan since Sweet 2016. We are licensed Next Level Ministers. Finally, we love expressing God’s love through serving, giving, laughing, dancing, and prayer.

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Pastor Jade Suan

Youth Pastor

Pastor Jade Suan is the youth pastor of D2L youth ministry. She is a licensed minister under the Coat of Many Colors Ministries and has taken multiple classes in preaching and leadership. She holds an associates degree in fine arts and in 2023, Pastor Jade will also graduate with a bachelors degree in communications, concentrated in interpersonal relationships, with a minor in education at the University of Houston. Furthermore, Pastor Jade has been a coach and director of the Fine Arts ministry. In addition to being pastor of the D2L youth ministry, she is also a children’s church worker and teacher, a part of the leadership team for S.N.L. young adult’s ministry and is one of the worship leaders at the Coat of Many Colors Ministries.





1 Peter 2:9 (NKJV)

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light


D2L youth ministry strives to make today’s generation be proud and aware of who they are in Christ and encourage that they walk and grow in the ways of Him!

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Pastor Laura Nichols

Children's Pastor

I am Pastor Laura Nichols. I am the children’s pastor of Small Beginnings.


I studied Christian education for two years at Southwestern Assemblies of God Bible College. I have served under Pastor Gershon and Sandra Suan for 17 years.


I was born and raised in Houston, TX.  Currently reside in Humble, TX I am the proud mother of three wonderful kids that help me hand in hand in ministry...two girls 20 & 16 & one boy 18.


My family and I enjoy attending sporting events especially the Astros.  They have been known to travel out of state for a good game of baseball.


Small beginnings is a vital ministry of the Coat of Many Colors Ministries.  We serve as a place of prayer children, where they hear bible studies.  Our goal is to partner with and equip parents to raise a generation who grow in Christ and spiritual maturity and to use their gifts for the glory of God.

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Leadership Team

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Men's Fire Ministry

Minister Gil Rodriguez


Young Adult Ministers

Swantia & Tyrone Porter


Refined Women's Ministry

Minister Kristi Garza


Couples Ministry

Ministers Ildes & Iris Roman

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Worship Fire Team

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Audio & Media Team

Tyrone, Kiana & Angel


Usher Leaders

Minister Jessica and

Bro Robert Arellano


Thursday Night Worship

Leaders Chris & Keyla Valdez


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